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How A-List Helped “Get Shelby Strong"

2020 brought about a lot of unexpected changes and forced many entrepreneurs in the fitness world to realign their way of business and branding when it came to working with and seeking new clients. Our client Shelby Johnson battled with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic when it was no longer deemed safe to enter people’s homes or be near people without fear of contracting and spreading the virus. Shelby Johnson had to rethink how he conducted business as a personal trainer, which led him to A-List Branding.

Shelby approached A-List Branding in September 2020 for help. Under his belt, he had a successful invention that he designed and created 10 years ago called “Nexhale”. Nexhale was invented by Shelby as a means to help support the spine and back when exercising or for back injury recovery.

It reached new heights when it was picked up by stores such as Footlocker and hospitals with recovery programs. Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, his contracts and orders were cancelled and most business for his device came to a halt. In March 2020, Shelby reevaluated his brand and needed to find another way to monetize it on a personal branding note.

A-List Branding first evaluated Shelby’s business plan by presenting him with an Opportunity Assessment. Shelby had branded his product, but not himself. His success as an Expert Trainer with Elite Clients was due to his persistence to overcome disabilities and his motivational connection with clients, but he was not maximizing this for business volume. A-List Branding saw Shelby as a “Man on a Mission”. Our Brand Awareness Strategy summed up, was to help his clients “Get Strong” so they could stay healthy and live a full life. It was through Shelby’s opportunity plan and brand awareness strategy that A-list created the “Get Shelby Strong” marketing campaign. The Get Shelby Strong brand and tag line identified his Brand Vision and Mission.

The A-List Branding team, through the expertise and vision of our CEO/Founder, Janet Jack, designed and developed his logo, Website, Instagram, Virtual Training App, and designed business cards that highlight his personal and product brands together.

With Get Shelby Strong we exhausted all marketing avenues. Shelby previously performed and relied on his personal contacts as a means of business. In launching a Shelby Strong Facebook page for developing customer engagement we also created an Instagram to highlight and inspire through customized brand quotes and inspirational content that motivated his clients through videos to help clients succeed on their own.

Through the A-List Branding network, our personal branding partner Timothy Alexander White Photography shot fresh branded content that spoke to Shelby's new brand “Get Shelby Strong”. The strategy and vision behind the shoot was to to reinvent his image as a business man, with a passion to help and heal others… The Story behind the “Man”.

Just one month later, A-List provided a Soft launch of his brand at his hosting of his 50th milestone birthday showcase. This included a Brand Video, Virgin Dallas photo shoot, and A-list designed personal branded tee-shirts to highlight the new Get Shelby Strong brand for a few of his close buddies and family via Zoom due to Social Distancing requirements during the pandemic.

Get Shelby Strong with the help of A-list Branding was able to pivot and take on this new way of business head-on. Shelby is actively working on his autobiography, virtual workouts pivoting for Covid-19, Strategic partnerships like Hospitals and Chiropractor programs as well as building engagement for his personal training app with sponsors and related products.

Check out Shelby Johnsons latest interview on “The Jeff Crilley Show” here

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